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In the beginning of the creation of the world, God said: "LET THERE BE...?", And there was so many things God graciously created including you-the reader. If not because of Grace which means if not due to God, you wouldn't have been called human being. God is love and He first loves you by placing you above all He had earlier created before you. 

At this juncture, pause for a while, appreciate the grace of God upon your life, family and friends... Which means you are one of the luckiest being to know that God is grace.

But are you not one of those who lavishly wasted the grace of God upon yourself and other being? By complaining all day long, by not be contented with what you have; by molesting other people's body for the sake of money, position and such likes...? Examine your life today and turn a new leave(life). Tomorrow may be too late for you because today is your time of GRACE. It all starts now!

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When you allow God to drive you at all times, then drastic changes will emerged! Everything about you will and shall change for the best and good options as far as the will of God is confirmed upon you.

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One day, man disobeyed God which turned to "SIMPLE OBEDIENCE NEGLECTED", equal to (S.I.N.). And you know the in depth of sin which means "SORROW IS NEXT". And after this, it landed whosoever disobeyed God into everlasting hell fire. God said: 'Come unto me and I will give you rest'. You can only fully enjoying the grace of God if you accept Jesus Christ into your life as your personal Lord and savour because through Jesus we received total and greater grace to be saved and be counted worthy to reign with Him when the trumpet shall sound any moment from now!

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You are experiencing new information today that one day, by grace you were created to be a living being and not an animal or herbs. Why can't you serve and worship that gracious God who graciously placed you where you are with what you are doing as a means of living to cater for yourself, families and other being? 

Finally, you can only be saved by God's grace because wherever and whenever grace speaks, talents, skills and certificates keeps silent. Hope you are liberated indeed! Try to share it with other friends as you are saved by grace.

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