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                                                           HOW TO HEAR GOD’S VOICE

Image result for HOW TO HEAR GOD'S VOICE
 Are you determined now to be a constant hearer of God’s Voice? 

The followings are some of the ways to hear God; 

Be conversant with His Written Word: 

The written word of God is the Bible that is available for all of God’s people. It has been written through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit by true men of God for our life, knowledge and maturity. This word is relevant to us now and always. 

Be ready to hear Him: 
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This sound odd but the truth is many just say it with their mouth that they want God to speak to them but their heart is far away from hearing Him. You must devote your heart to hearing God and by so doing you are also ready to do whatsoever His word commands you. 

Always inform Him of issues as though He don’t know before:
Image result for Always inform Him of issues as though He don’t know before
The truth of this matter is that God actually knows everything before it happens, how much less the ones that have happened that you want to inform Him, but yet Jesus admonished us to always take it to God in prayer, asking in the Name of Jesus. In this way, it established our communication with Him.

Speak to Him with assurance of heart:
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God definitely hear and respond to every prayers, it is only a dumb and deaf person that can’t respond to words when spoken to. Although, His answers differs to every prayers but He still hears and answers. 
God bless our hearing ears
Watch out here for more experiences on the word of God.


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