Memory Scripture: Remember what the Old Testament says. It says:

Abraham believed God and, as a result, God accepted Abraham as right with Himself. (Romans 4:3. EasyEnglish Version). 

     Righteousness in Greek word also means 'the state of him who is as he ought to be, the condition acceptable to God. Abraham as our case study from the book of Genesis 15 lamented before God concerning his childlessness, but God gave out His promise through His spoken word, which was recorded that Abraham believed. And the Bible said that God accredited this to him as righteousness.

     Righteousness, from this case of Abraham, can be used over every situations/issues we are passing through and trusting God for solution. In such a case, it means we are on the same side or level ground standing with God about such issue. No matter what the physical reality or what others are saying/judging about the situation, the moment we can see it from God's perspective and believe His word as regard it, we are righteous before Him concerning the issue, this is what God honours in the life of anyone.

     Don't stand on the wrong side of God, Judas Iscariot will tell you better the experience he had when he was no longer with Jesus but standing with the soldiers that came to arrest Jesus (He fell back/down with them). No matter what, stand on what God had told you about any issue, stand right with God.

"Abraham continued to believe God. He continued to hope for what God had promised. He continued to hope even WHEN HE HAD NO GOOD REASON TO HOPE. That is why he became the father of people from many countries.
It happened as God had said. ‘You will have many, many grandchildren,’ God had said".(Romans 4:18. EasyEnglish Version).


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