Break means to cut or pieces something or someone. May we not be cut out of success by God's grace,amen.

There are challenges everywhere...

There are opportunities everywhere...

There are protocol to pass through in life.

There are laws which needs to be break before one can make it in life.

Before one can experience breakthrough, one need to break things and pass through things in life.

Protocol are rules set in order to be pass through in life.

One need power to break protocol in life before one breakeven and breakforth.

When and where people are breakdown, you'll breakforth, breakthrough and break new ground.

When others are crying, weeping and gnashing teets, you'll experience laughter, smiling and be comfortable from now onwards...Amen

Experience is the best teacher scholars.

What you don't know makes others who knows it be your leader, controllers and directors.

Upgrade your experience in life in learning and acquire more skills that will add values to you.

Utilizing your power of choice and choose right but remember that: 'Your choice yesterday is as a result of where you are today and today's choice will surely landed you somewhere tomorrow'. So choose wisely on what protocol to break and to pass through in the stages of life.

Finally, you need power and wisdom to be able to breakthrough in life. Jesus has the power and wisdom you need in life. Just calling Him now! He will answers you speedily. You are blessed!

F.A.Idowu- The writer.

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