Most of us seek easy tangible dreams - having a dream of getting a degree or even a PHD is seen and can easily be achieved. I want to be a graduate, get a job and build houses are normal and are things everyone seek. Remember, your difference is in your dream. The difference between you and your classmates today is the kind of dreams you have in your heart. I am talking about those big dreams that eyes have not seen, ears have not heard and have not entered into the heart of men but that God has shown you. It's true that if you can see the invisible, you can do and achieve the impossible.

The motto of Oral Roberts university, " don't make little plans here" is such an inspiring one. I think everyone of us should live our life by that maxim.Don't dare to make little plans for your life. I like how 19th Century Architect Daniel Burnham puts it, "make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men's blood..make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble ,logical diagram once recorded will never die, but long after we are gone will be a living thing, asserting itself with ever growing insistency. Remember that our son and grandsons are going to do things that stagger us. Think big".

When I think of where I was few years ago and where I am now, I could see the power of imagination. Whatever you want to be, build, go or live, you must see it in your mind's eye now. That's the first thing you need to start doing now. We need to be dreaming big. The whole world is before us. In fact, we have to create a new world and that 's only possible when we let our imagination soar. I really always get excited creating pictures in my mind that the people around me just can't see. You see, that's the beauty of imagination. I urge you to dream big and live your dreams.
How big can you dream for God? The dream you have, is it a good dream or a God dream? If it's a God dream even if it's bigger than you, it will come to pass. Reason because it's not your dream but God's. Even If you have a kiosk and you mastered the art and science of dreaming big, with God's help it can become the biggest supermarket in your city.

God gave you the gift of imagination for a reason - to dream and think wild and high. The all time truth is, " He is able to do exceeding abundantly above what you ask or imagine..".." And this they begin to do and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.". For the fact that you can imagine it makes me understand that it's possible. So why not let your imagination soar.
The perfect formula for dreaming big that I have read about is, "what can you do if you know it's impossible to fail". Let me put it simpler, " what can you do if all the money and resources are available?". I believe the answer to that question will enable you to dream big dreams.
I challenge you today, Go after your big dreams...don't be easily satisfied. Don't take it easy... For woe to you who are at ease in a rocking chair instead of running with your vision. you've got to dream high to go high in life. Yes, you Can, you Will and you Must succeed.

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